Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

parietes auris mediae (par)

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Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Level 3 auris media (par) Short Extended
Current level parietes auris mediae (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
77677 8190 tax
parietes auris mediae (par)
walls of middle ear (pair)
56002 7164 tax
paries tegmentalis (par)
tegmental wall (pair) ; tegmental roof (pair); superior wall (pair)
77747 7292 tax
crista transversa ; processus inferior tegminis
transverse crest ; inferior tegmental process; cog
77642 7167 tax
paries jugularis (par)
jugular wall (pair) ; inferior wall (pair)
8202 tax
apertura tympani canaliculi tympani (par)
tympanic opening of inferior tympanic canaliculus (pair)
60971 7169 tax
paries labyrinthicus (par)
labyrinthine wall (pair) ; medial wall (pair)
56913 7170 tax
fenestra vestibuli (par); fenestra ovalis (par)
vestibular window (pair) ; oval window (pair)
76921 7171 tax
fossula fenestrae vestibuli (par) ; fossula fenestrae ovalis (par)
fossa of vestibular window (pair) ; fossa of oval window (pair); oval window niche (pair)
77697 7179 tax
processus cochleariformis (par)
cochleariform process (pair)
77694 7172 tax
promontorium cavitatis tympani (par)
promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone (pair)
75343 7173 tax
sulcus promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
groove of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone (pair)
8205 tax
ponticulus promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
ponticulus of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone (pair)
77695 7174 tax
subiculum promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
subiculum of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone (pair)
14061 tax
finiculus promontorii cavitatis tympani (par) ; sustentaculum promontorii cavitatis tympani (par)
finiculus of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone (pair) ; sustentaculum of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone (pair)
14062 tax
canaliculus subcochlearis (par)
subcochlear canaliculus (pair)
14063 tax
postis anterior (par)
anterior pillar (pair)
14064 tax
canonus fossulae fenestrae cochlearis (par) ; tegmen fenestrae cochlearis (par)
canopy of fossa of cochlear window (pair) ; roof of cochlear window (pair)
14065 tax
postis posterior (par)
posterior pillar (pair)
77696 7175 tax
sinus tympanicus (par) ; sinus tympani (par)
tympanic sinus (pair)
14070 tax
sinus subtympanicus (par)
subtympanic sinus (pair)
56932 7176 tax
fenestra cochlearis (par) ; fenestra rotunda (par)
cochlear window (pair) ; round window (pair)
76922 7177 tax
fossula fenestrae cochlearis (par)
fossa of cochlear window (pair) ; round window niche (pair)
14071 tax
fustis (par)
fustis (pair)
75143 7178 tax
crista fenestrae cochlearis (par) ; crista fenestrae rotundae (par)
crest of cochlear window (pair) ; crest of round window (pair)
56958 7180 tax
membrana tympani secundaria (par)
secondary tympanic membrane (pair)
77646 7181 tax
paries mastoideus (par)
mastoid wall (pair) ; posterior wall (pair)
56797 7182 tax
aditus antri mastoidei (par)
aditus to mastoid antrum (pair)
77730 7183 tax
prominentia canalis semicircularis lateralis (par)
prominence of lateral semicircular canal (pair)
77731 7184 tax
prominentia canalis nervi facialis (par)
prominence of facial canal (pair)
77732 7185 tax
eminentia pyramidalis (par)
pyramidal eminence (pair)
14073 tax
crista pyramidalis (par)
pyramidal crest (pair) ; pyramidal ridge (pair)
14074 tax
apertura eminentiae pyramidalis (par)
opening of pyramidal eminence (pair)
8303 tax
eminentia chordae tympani (par)
chordal eminence (pair)
14075 tax
crista chordalis (par) ; chordiculus (par)
chordal crest (pair) ; chordiculus (pair) ; chordal ridge (pair)
76923 7186 tax
fossa incudis (par)
fossa of incus (pair)
77692 7168 tax
eminentia styloidea (par) ; prominentia styloidea (par)
styloid eminence (pair) ; styloid prominence (pair)
14077 tax
crista styloidea (par)
styloid ridge (pair)
77733 7187 tax
sinus tympanicus posterior (par) ; sinus tympani posterior (par)
posterior tympanic sinus (pair)
8208 tax
apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani posterioris (par)
tympanic opening of posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair) ; tympanic aperture of posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
14078 tax
sinus facialis (par)
facial sinus (pair)
14079 tax
sinus tympanicus lateralis (par) ; sinus tympani lateralis (par)
lateral tympanic sinus (pair)
55711 7189 tax
antrum mastoideum (par)
mastoid antrum (pair)
55800 7190 tax
cellulae mastoideae (par)
mastoid cells (pair)
7191 tax
cellulae tympanicae (par)
tympanic cells (pair)
77679 7192 tax
paries caroticus (par)
carotid wall (pair) ; anterior wall (pair)
8696 tax
ostium tympanicum canalis nervi petrosi minoris (par)
hiatus of canal for lesser petrosal nerve (pair)
14080 tax
recessus supratubarius (par)
supratubal recess (pair)
plica musculi tensoris tympani (par)
tensor tympani fold (pair)
14082 tax
recessus subtensorius (par)
subtensor recess (pair)
55808 560 tax
canalis musculotubarius
musculotubal canal
56439 561 tax
semicanalis musculi tensoris tympani
semicanal of tensor muscle of tympanic membrane
75763 563 tax
septum canalis musculotubarii
septum of musculotubal canal
56442 562 tax
semicanalis tubae auditivae; semicanalis tubae auditoriae
semicanal of auditory tube ; bony auditory tube
8380 tax
apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani anterioris (par)
tympanic opening of anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair) ; tympanic aperture of anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
14085 tax
protiniculum (par)
protiniculum (pair)
14086 tax
recessus caroticocochlearis (par)
caroticocochlear recess (pair)
14087 tax
crista protympanica (par)
protympanic crest (pair)
55463 617 tax
fissura petrotympanica
petrotympanic fissure
56438 559 tax
canaliculi caroticotympanici
caroticotympanic canaliculi
61010 7193 tax
paries membranaceus (par)
membranous wall (pair) ; lateral wall (pair)
60 lines
81.7 %
83.3 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The promontorium gives rise to several bony ridges: (a) the ponticulus promontorii; (b) the subiculum promontorii; and (c) the finiculus.
In the retrotympanum, lateral and medial spaces relative to the facial nerve and pyramidal eminences were defined: lateral, the sinus facialis and the sinus tympanicus lateralis; medial, the sinus tympanicus posterior and the sinus tympanicus.
The paries mastoideus shows three bony eminences, each giving rise to a ridge: (a) the eminentia pyramidalis; (b) the eminentia chordae tympani; and (c) the eminentia styloidea.
See note # 7175
The clinical term cog refers to a coronally oriented osseous ridge protruding in the middle ear cavity, for which the term processus inferior tegminis was introduced (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien – New York).
For the paries auris mediae, several new terms have been added giving credit to clinical findings (from Mansour S. Magnan J, Ahmad Hh, Nicolas K, Louryan S 2019 Comprehensive and Clinical Anatomy of the Middle Ear, 2nd ed. Springer, Cham).
New term; the Ponticulus promontorii is a thin bony bridge from the Eminentia pyramidalis to the Promontorium (from Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien - New York).
The chorda tympani passes from the facial canal through the posterior tympanic canaliculus to enter the tympanic cavity via the apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani posterioris; via the apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani anterioris, the chorda tympani enters the anterior tympanic canaliculus (see also TA98, A02.1.06.011 canaliculus chordae tympani)
See note # 8208
The promontorium shows a bony overhang over the cochlear or round window, comprising a postis anterior (anterior pillar), a roof (tegmen) and a postis posterior (posterior pillar) as described by Bolobas B (1972 A hallószery mikrochirurgial anatomija. Könykiadó, Budapest (in Hungarian); Proctor B, Bolobas B, Niparko JK 1986 Anatomy of the round window niche. Acta Otol Rhinol Laryngol 95:444-446). For the tegmen, the term canonus fossulae fenestrae cochleae has been suggested as it forms a canopy overhanging the cochlear window (Topsakal V, Matulic M, Assadi MZ, Mertens G, Van Rompaey V, Van de Heyning P 2020 Comparison of the surgical techniques and robotic techniques for cochlear implantation in terms of the trajectories toward the inner ear. J Int Adv Otol 16:3-7).
See note # 14061
See note # 14061
See note # 14061
See note # 14061
See note # 7175
See note # 7175
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8190
Number of children 164 (validated)
Number of units 60 (validated)
Signature 23227 (validated since 30.7.2024)
Date: 13.10.2024